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SOTUS S: The Series (Thai)

SOTUS has been one of the more popular BL series. In fact, even I thought it was a pretty novel content with a gay love story as the backdrop. Like most fans, I did wis to know what would happen to the life of the main couple after they got together. Sadly, the extremely high expectations after Season 1 is a major reason that this season feels short on many levels.

Arthit has started his new job at an electrical goods company Ocean Electric and feels like a fresher all over again in an adult world. Kongpop is now an Engineering senior at university and the head hazer. His approach to hazing is the complete opposite of the violence and humiliation that he received. He prefers being constructive, helpful and positive. The story focuses on a junior Day who still is opposed to any idea of hazing. After a few episodes, the shift happens. Kongpob is now looking for a place for internship and he prefers Ocean Electric over his father's firm. Even though their social group now knows about their relationship after season one's terrific finale, Arthit insists on keeping Kongpop hidden from his new colleagues, which starts to create tension and difficulties and unhappiness for Kongpob who is very comfortable in his skin. When a picture of them kissing spreads across the office, Arthit finally takes the courage to admit his true love in front of everyone and eventually , as expected love wins.

On a positive note, there were no over the top dramatic scenes between the couple. Their arguments seem natural that a normal couple would have, but I also felt that given they spent so much time together, how come they have so many communication gaps. Kongpob should have hidden the fact that he is looking for internship in Arthit's company and that he is looking to move next to his room. I would be mad too. Also, somehow I found their chemistry more as good friends and less that of a couple. I would have expected more intimacy given that they are supposed to have been together for over 2 years. The characters didn't seem to have grown. Most of the characters come back for a few scenes here and there, but there are a few more couples that this series focuses on. The junior Day, the rebellion boy and a classmate of Kongpob who makes sure he gives him support. Then we have another intern who joins the company and his relationship wit hone of the guys in the factory. Personally, I thought there's was also a cute one. So while the focus is still very much on the strangely inert relationship of Kongpop and Arthit, the screenplay is interesting and well-written enough to allow for a large number of secondary sub plots without overwhelming the central narrative. Although personally, I would have preferred the central couple to still be the focus. There is very little of BL and more about office, production, politics and what not; so in that sense I was a little disappointed for not enough BL content. Having seen all 13 episodes now, I wonder if this sequel was really needed (unless they could have come up with a better story).

Overall, its strictly average viewing. The show is better when it focuses on the romance, trials and tribulations of Kongpop and Arthit, but there is very little of it. Too many sub plots diverted my attention and really those were not doing much for it. (5/10)


Same here. I really expected something else. I wanted more romance, love, and I stayed till the end probably because all the episodes are available and I can skip the boring parts. Maybe this show is meant for younger audiences.
Golu said…
i think so. These BL shows are targeted more towards younger audience in teens and max 20s and of course, apparently girls are obsessed with BL series. Your guess is as good as mine.
No wonder why a fourty something western white male like me will like Tharntype much more... I wanna share with you what I found out tonight. After finishing love by chance (that will probably not stay with me for long), I have a suggestion for you. It's called until we meet again. At first I chose this one because all the episodes are available on Dailymotion with Eng subs and HD quality. The synopsis might stop you but I promise this one will make you cry like a baby, have goosebumps at times, smile also, and the slow pace makes the show just even more enjoyable. I watched 7 episodes so far and I really like where this is going. The actors are all really good, side characters have their moments too, Pharm's smile will make your day, and this BL is proof that good acting is all it takes to make a good show. The first two episodes will let you know how you feel about this one, you won't need more to know how much you will like it. I hope you will, and will stop here because it is your job to write the review and let your followers know how a show that was just supposed to be average turned out to be one of the most powerful love story of all time. I know I am overselling here, but once again I really like it! See you Pal
Golu said…
Oh wow! you seem to be really enamored by the show. I will definitely add that to my list immediately and start watching it. My expectations are quit ehigh now :)

Thanks as always fo your recommendations and your comments here
OMG now the pressure is on me ! I forgot to tell you how cheesy this one is. Please let me know. Also if you like we can have those chats elsewhere (Facebook, WhatsApp, Signal, whatever) and leave the comment section to what it's meant for
Golu said…
don't worry about it. This is all good. No pressure !
Sailor Maan said…
Liked it as much as the first season. Mainly because of the chemistry between the leads. It' true they lack physical intimacy. But boy are they cute, you feel they know each other by heart (Arthit reactions are the cutest thing ever, and Kongpob can read through this stern attitude). It's interesting to see Arthit other side of his temper too, turning from strong hazer lead in the first season to th shy new employee.
I think they put too many sub plots though, many of which have no real ending.
Actually there is an ultimate episode for Athit/Kongpob: the 5th episode of Our Skyy. I personally think it's brilliant, adding everyting you could hope for, strong emotions delivered, and a proper development to their couple.
Golu said…
I will have tochck that episode out now.
In fact, there was a time when I started looking closely, back in 2019/2020 a lot of these Thai BL series had overlapping characters. Its when I saw Tharn and Type been mentioned in another series (I can't remember the name now) did I realize what was really going on. lol
Sailor Maan said…
I hope you'll get to wach and like this special episode. I feel it has just what was missing in the main series. Namely more physical contact, more of the final evolution of the characters, and most of all we finally get to see Arthit's unmasked feelings for Kongpob, in such a beautiful way.
Golu said…
adding "our sky" to the list NOW

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