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Gay Short Films : 80

Fly By Night (South Korea)
A young man who lives in the big city with his brother spends his nights having sex with other men for money. When one customer doesn't have enough money to pay, they arrange to meet the next night.

This Is Me (USA)
Short doc featuring story of Dominik and his struggles in society including his school for trying to live his life as a trans man in the mountains of Kentucky.

Love Wars (Spain)
Two homosexual Stormtroopers, meet in a secret location on board the Death Star during a rebel attack.

Alone Forever (USA)
Oliver can't help but wonder if his new tattoo is the cause of his recent spate of romantic bad luck. As he fails repeatedly to connect with any eligible bachelors, he becomes more and more distraught over what could be the true meaning and power of his tattoo and whether it has doomed him to be alone forever.

Queen Of The Desert (Australia)
Starlady's a youth worker in some of Australia's most remote and challenging places. Equipped with a hair dryer and hair dye, She takes us on a journey to Areyonga, an indigenous community, where she'll work with a group of curious and cheeky young people. Can Starlady really make a difference?

Majorettes dans l'espace (France)
Dimitri, a Soviet cosmonaut of Soyouz 27 likes majorettes. Catherine and Laurent make love, Jean-Paul II loves airports, Vincent loves boys. A random film where a jumble of images are brought together.

Noche sin Luna (Mexico) [A Moonless Night]
Set in the 1970s in Mexico City, an innocent gay Mexican man is wrongly accused of killing his lover and is pressured to confess to a crime he didn't commit.

The Seed (Germany)
Frenchman Gaspar heads to a well-known park for a dip in the lake, where he sees an alluring man emerge onto the shore. After passionate sex, we see how easy and seductive is the drug life in European capitals.

¡Que te den por culo! (Spain)
When a guy struggles to answer the question "Will you take it up your ass?" if the girlfriend was kidnapped and would almost lose her life; it makes for an awkward conversation between a straight couple.

El día comenzó ayer (Mexico) [The Day Began Yesterday]
Orlando and Saul meet by accident. The first one is a self-confident young man, university gymnast who avoids that his HIV-positive status defines him; while Saul, on the opposite, is insecure and barely understands what having an active sexual life means. The meeting will result in a new way of seeing life, one without fear where sex is an encounter and not a way of getting away from others.

Unicornio (Bolivia) [Unicorn]
A young German/Bolivian Mennonite risks his life to escape his strict religious Community to find love and freedom in the city because he knows he is gay. He manages to find love but his community manages to find him and punish him again.

Drengen der sprang ud (Denmark) [The Boy Who Jumped Out]
A precise portrait for the condition of gay teenager, rejected by family. Low budget, school project film.

Ruega por nosotros (Costa Rica) [Pray for Us]
In a desolate supermarket, a religious woman's peaceful evening is interrupted by the sudden arrival of three gay punks, who are running away from the police and hiding something much more valuable than money.

Way Out (Taiwan)
2 boys: A swimmer and a deaf dancer. When the swimmer gets hurt during a mugging, the dancer nurses him to health helping him get back into the pool.

I Am Yet To Make you a Love Song (Brazil)
Greg and Alesandro are in the bedroom, looking at one another. The feeling of guilt and nostalgia of that moment may even forever mark their lives, but it's only a gateway to allow love to walk freely amongst them.

Three Summer Days (Thailand)
A teenager is fascinated by tattoos. Slowly, a relationship starts to develop between him and his best friend that goes beyond just friendship.

The Suitor (Australia)
Cindy is being forced by her family to get married thereby pissing off her boyfriend Brett. But when the possible suitor turns out to be gay, Cindy may finally have a shot at freedom.

O Delicado (Brazil)
Eusébio is raised by his mother and his older sisters. Concerned that the lack of testosterone might compromise the boy's masculinity, an uncle says it's time for him to get married.

Professor Godoy (Brazil)
Mr. Godoy teaches math at a Private High School's senior year. Stubborn and severe, Godoy lives a dull life defined by rules, but something is about to change when one of his male student starts flirting with him.

Hen Yêu (Vietnam) [A Love Appointment]
A coffee shop owner must refrain himself from having sex to get his shop going. But when his potential love of life comes into picture, will he choose love or money?


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