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Beautiful Boxer (Thai / English)

I had no idea that this film was based on a real life story. As it is, I was thinking that this film is an important milestone and inspiration for gender identity and sexuality. The fact that it is based on a real story makes it even more special. The movie chronicles the real life story of Parinya Charoenphol, a Muay Thai boxer who underwent a sex change operation to become a woman and shows us her life from a young boy who likes to wear lipstick and flowers to her sensational career as a kickboxer.

Toom is a young boy, one of the two sons of a farming family. Very early as a young boy, he finds himself experimenting with make-up after a witnesses a Thai dance performance and he is fascinated by the graceful movements. As per tradition, he and his brother are sent to a Buddhist monastery, and also because his parents are financially very poor. As an adolescent, just by chance, Toom enters a Thai boxing contest for which the prize is 500 baht. When he wins, Toom realizes that could be a practical and profitable way to earn money to help his parents. He soon joins Pi Chart, a seasoned coach who was once a champion himself. Soon enough, Toom becomes one of the strongest boxers and wins many matches but both coach's and his dream is to fight the big fight in Bangkok. Coach's wife becomes familiar with the fact that Toom likes to apply makeup, and when the coach finds out, ironically and quite unexpectedly, he suggests that Toom reveal his true self in the boxing ring. This new persona take him to instant fame and becomes really popular in the country, especially because he continues to win. The more celebrity he gains, the more flamboyant his costumes and make-up. Eventually, he does get to fight the big fight but unfortunately the coach is sick and cannot attend. He gets banned to fight in Thailand and goes to Japan and continues his winning streak, all in while making sure to save enough money for the operation. Eventually with his parents support, Toom manages to get the sex change operation and continue to get the love and respect, now as a model.

The story has many moments that define Toom's life. Unexpected love and courage from a trans lady working as a noodle seller, support from the coach's wife and the coach himself define him to become the true person he wants to be. The film handles a controversial subject with subtlety and sensitivity, being very aware of the delicate balance between masculine and feminine, between the brutality of the sport and the portrayal of transsexualism. It is sometimes difficult to comprehend and believe that someone so fragile in the younger days turns out to be a great boxer. I really admired the support Toom gets from the coach and his own family. Yes, you see the struggle that Toom's father goes through but he is always there for Toom. The actor playing the title role deserves a lot of appreciation and applaud to take up such a difficult role. All the sequences of his coaching and eventual fights are simply superb and not at any point he misses to also show the feminine side of his that he is craving to fully adopt. Apparently, the actor is a real life Thai boxer and this was the first acting gig. A very very brave choice indeed. The makers and the director truly deserve huge applaud for making this film and treating it with all the sensitivity and respect the subject and the characters deserve.

This film has the universal message of accepting one's own true nature and holding strong to one's convictions, no matter the cost. Such subjects can sometimes be hard to portray but this film is a very fine example of how a good cinematic experience can also help people change people's perception and ideas, in this case, with respect to trans people and their rights. (7.5/10)


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