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Gay Short Films : 72

La traction des pôles (France) [Magnetic Harvest]
From close up, Mickaël seems to move about in a cloud of desires: to find his missing pig, get his biological certificate, break his loneliness. But, further along, Mickaël seems instead to be a magnet for Paul.

Ostia - La notte finale [Ostia: The Last Night]
A dark story of desire and betrayal by a young rent boy, inspired by the events of the night of the brutal slaying of Italian filmmaker Pier Paolo Pasolini.

Balloon (USA)
In the brutal battlefield of junior high, Sam has always tried to stay below radar--but all that changes when he discovers he has superpowers. When he cant take being bullied and called out names for gay, the teenager takes matter in his hands.

A Play (USA)
Two friends go to see a play and realize just how terrifying supporting the arts can be. This was hilarious.

Vi er okay nu (Denmark) [We are Okay Now]
Jonah a troubled gay teen hangs out with his straight best mate Demitri after a party. They have a history where Demitri feels obligated to take care of Jonah, despite him forcing otherwise.

Stav (Israel)
A young woman is looking for a teen she's responsible for and finds him hustling his body for making some money while she stands unable to do anything.

Dolfin Megumi (Israel) [Rubber Dolphin]
2 strangers meet for sex and once that's done, a discussion about masculinity, homosexuality, body image, sexual positions, intimacy and love happens. Will their attraction be able to stay through the morning?

After His Death (Israel)
After her father passed away, Ayelet finds out that he had an affair with another man. Although her mother disapproval, she decides to meet her dad's lover.

Las cosas que no decimos (Guatemala) [The Things We don't Say]
Imagine having an actual conversation after a one-night stand instead of just leaving after sex. 2 different scenarios leading to 2 possible outcomes.

Shlosha (Israel) [Three]
Udi agrees to go along with his partner Nimrod's proposal to have a threesome with another man, which eventually leads him to question his relationship.

Vandalen (Switzerland) [Vandals]
Two graffiti artists are in a relationship, one for sex and other for love. When a new girl in the group brings them a new work that needs to be done, the two realize that their reasons to be in the relationship might be more similar than they originally thought.

Jaded (US) - Ep 1
Jackson is navigating his friendships, a night out in clubs, and the relationship he can’t quite let go of.

A Trip to the Desert (Israel)
Three best friends take a trip to the desert, and their friendship is put to the test. Lior, who is openly gay, and religious Jew Elad, suddenly have to face each other's life choices. And where the hell is Yossi?

52 (USA)
A gay man's nightmare about aging. Constantly dancing between reality and fantasy, this fever dream has the punch of a heart attack and the heart of a punch.

Poof (UK)
18-year-old Aaron is stuck in a small town and gets into a secret relationship with Mike. The more he explores his sexuality, the more he begins to consider the impact this may have on the rest of his life.

The Big House (Australia)
Old time prisoner Williams takes new cellmate Sunny under his wing giving him protection for sex. What will happen when Sunny is released & a new boy arrives?

The Journey of Being Likeable (US)
Michael Henry beings us a 5 part short series on youtube about a gay guy, full of himself, wanting to be someone else, one that he thinks will make him better. The journey is seen through him and his friends. Funny!

A Night in Tokoriki (Romania)
An improvised night club "Tokoriki" is hosting Gianina's 18th birthday. Constant glances are shared throughout between her boyfriend Bebe and a guy named Alin. Little does she know that the 2 boys have a thing of their own.

2 Jungs (Germany) [2 Boys]
A guy newly moved to the city, alone and gay. A chance and a likeable encounter in the elevator changes everything with his neighbour.

TommyTeen18 (Netherlands)
Bridging the void between childhood and maturity, the 15-year-old Tommie loses himself in his search for male sex. A dating app seems to offer the solution.

Confessions (Germany)
What is it like to fall in love? How does the first kiss feel? And how to express all the thoughts in your mind about growing up? It is silent film about the magic of falling in love - no matter who this person is.


Hedgehog said…
So far Tommyteen18 is the only film I’ve seen in this list. There’s a lot to check out but Can you do a review in Bad boy : Date night.?For me that’s One of the funniest Bad boy episode in the series.
Golu said…
This is the first I am hearing of this sseries. I will have to check it out.
Hedgehog said…
You already review two of them namely, bad boy (the first episode) and bad boy : probation. There’s other episodes of it which is also hilarious, well written and acted.
Golu said…
OMG!! You are right. Clearly I am getting old. lol
Looking back at the reviews, I have reviewed them as 2 separate short films. I am going to try and get my hands on the whole series and watch it. It should be a fun watch for sure during this lockdown time.

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