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Make It Right: Season 2 (TV Series) (Thai)

Finally, after watching 14 episodes of the season 2, a total time of about 11-ish hours, I am ready to review the season 2 of this Thai hit TV show. My review of the season 1 is here.

Actually not much has changed between the previous season and this one. The stories and love between the couples continue over all these episodes. Tee and Fuse are still the primary couple. Fuse is back with his girlfriend Jean and despite all signs, he fails to believe that she can cheat but finally comes to senses towards the middle of series. Tee, in the meanwhile sticks with him through, except for once when an old friend from previous school comes. But that also helps asa. catalyst for Fuse to realize his feelings for Tee. The second couple is Frame and Book. Thy continue with their love but when an old video of Book having sex with a stranger goes viral online, it has repercussions on their love and everything around Book. He even attempts suicide but Frame stands by him and is there for hi every single step of the way to bring Book out of this mess. As with season 1 , there are other couples as well, but we do get to see a little more of couple 3, which is Mo and Yok. Yok is the friendly yet very effeminate guy in school and Mo, who was supposedly straight so far, eventually falls in love for Yok. Their story walks us through the acceptance of their love for each other, their first intimate moments and Yok's mother finally accepting him for who he is.

The series just follows these three couple and few of their friends with their day to day activities involving food, laughter, love, friendship and at time social evils. This season they thankfully didn't focus on forced product placements but sadly also didn't focus at all on Fuse's sister. She was a fun character and I personally would liked to have seen what happens with her. But I guess this series is more popular in Thailand because of the cutest boys. Frame and Book are still the best couple, they act really well and their chemistry is the only one that is believable. The way they look into each others eyes is completely believable. All the problems of lengthy episodes, side stories and random content is still true. Fuse and Tee still lack the chemistry that Book & Frame share. But I liked the fact that a lot of focus was done on showing how Book deals with the shame that comes with internet stuff going viral and how your true love stands for you every single step of the way. Frame has the best character development in overall series. From a playboy sleeping around in season 1 to a very devoted, in love boyfriend for Book, who wows to take care of Book for entire life is awesome. You all will wish a boyfriend like Frame. Having said that, its a bot funny to watch the delayed reactions of most people and the way some folks react but as I said before, maybe thats how it is culturally and I got used to it much quicker this time.

This season was slightly better than first one, but at almost 11 hours of total screen time, this is a huge commitment to watch. I wish someone edits this series really well and crispy and presents it. I can almost bet that it will overall do much better globally amongst the gay audience, if someone could do that. I wish I had the skills to edit the show. But then who cares if the makers got the audience in their Thai teenagers in their country. (5.5/10)


luigi43 said…
You are a superman : I tried many times this Thai Soap and no , definitely I can sip not more than 10 / 15 minutes per day.
All East Soaps are very fashionable and the talk of the town , but , sorry ,they are not my cup of tea . The only decent was ( U know I like "action") Gay in BKK :worth , for sure!
Golu said…
seriously.. it wasn't easy to sit through it. IT does take a lot of patience. Took me almost a month to finish the series. Gay in BKK was simple and short episodes, so much easier to watch.
Sailor Maan said…
I tried and couldn't get past episode 2... Like Luigi said you're a superhero Golu!

I wonder if in Thailand it's the same "concept" as in japanese yaoi, where those series are made for ladies, not gay men. That's why I can rarely connect, wondering if they ever met gays in real life? But where it can be fun in mangas, it's always so weird in live action series... Except for the ladies they are destined to I guess!
Golu said…
so true.. i think u r right
the target here is teenage girls , who can swoomnover cute twink teenage boys. There is absolutely no way any gay man can actually connect with these shows
In Season 2, most of them had their braces removed, grew longer hair and slightly improved their acting. Fuse is really cute, he just outshined everyone in the show.
Frame was pretty good too.
And that's about it. I got exactely what I expected, an easy watch, genuine cuteness in young actors, and skipping some parts helped a lot.
Your 5.5 is well deserved, this is not the worst BL in the world.
Golu said…
this was way back when I just tarted watching BL shows. Memories !!

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