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Gay Short Films : 57

Mom's the Word (Canada)
A short and funny comedy of a conversation between a gay son and his mother when she finds a cock ring and mistakes it for a napkin holder. How should a son tell her exactly what the toy is?

The Last Leatherman of the Vale of Cashmere (USA)
An aging leatherman makes a weekly pilgrimage the cruising destination of his youth, when leather and cruising was in thing.

Paul (USA)
Paul, a young man diagnosed with HIV in the late 1980s, attends a dinner with a family he's never met. A very poignant and dignified film about what feelings and loss of self dignity that the individuals went through through 80s because of this virus.

One Last Chance (USA)
Bed conversation between two fuck buddies, where one wants to know how come the other person has never been interested in him outside of sex!

In The Paint (USA)
College basketball player Kollin is preparing to enter the NBA Draft. He must decide if he wants to continue playing the game down low or come out. Either way his partner is there to support him every step. Taking the decision soon becomes easier for Kollin.

A quick cruise in the washrooms of NYC at the end of night between 2 black men.

Lost Years (UK)
16 year old Felix begins a relationship with his roommate Leo in boarding school. After a tragic incident in which Felix is raped, their friendship ends. The film portrays the impact of sexual abuse its longterm effects.

Since the First Day We Met (USA)
When a deaf boy gets thrown into a regular school for better education, he gets close to a classmate thereby figuring out a way to better communicate & express their love.

Pria (Indonesia)
Aris is a gay Muslim teen living in rural Indonesia, where same-gender acts are potentially punishable by death. He is set to marry a girl he neither knows nor likes, but it becomes harder and harder to stay silent as he develops a crush on the free-spirited, white boy  who also happens to be his English teacher.

L'abandon (France) [The Neglect]
Its only after they have unprotected sex, they realize that one is virgin while the other hasn’t been tested.

Diamante, O Bailarina (Brazil) [The Ballerina]
Diamante is a gay boxer that stands out for his strong footwork. At night, he presents himself as a drag queen in a nightclub. His coach, Cezão, leaves him out of a championship. But Diamante wants to be a champion and soon he will earn everyone’s respect that he deserves.

Skid (USA)
A young man is forced to question both his relationship with his best friend and his own identity after a drunken incident.

Occupy Me (USA)
A Jewish and an Arab guy meet for an afternoon sexual encounter. But when a flirtatious word-spar about sexual positions turns into a debate over something else, both men take sides against each other and something that could have been a beautiful relationship turns into anger, resentment and accusation.

Boardwalk (Israel)
When a random stranger starts abusing a gay couple, he soon gets a taste of his attitude, when one guy runs after him with a gun and shows him what fear is about.

Ficken (Germany) [To Fuck]
A funny yet serious take on this guy who is addicted to fucking. His secret comes out when he is fucking his best friend, and the other girl shows up, neither of them realizing that there is another girl hiding in the bathroom

Ceramic Tango (Canada)
A killer waylays and torments a young Montreal man who has hit emotional rock bottom. This was a very odd movie.

Une rose entre nous (France) [A Rose Between Us]
An eccentric British woman picks up a young apprentice hairdresser on a wild night in Paris. She pretends to love him but soon she is pimping herself and him as well to an old man. The guy goes through it but ultimately does sleep with the girl, taking his own sweet revenge.

L'ultima notte (Canada) [The Last Night]
When a French speaking Canadian couple hire a Russian speaking male prostitute for a ménage-à-trois to spice up their sex lives, the results are not as they expected.

Píxeles (Spain) [Pixels]
This film portrays the disintegration of a relationship. When the distance between the couple seems hopeless, facing it will be the only option. I wasn’t very clear after watching the film as to what was the whole point behind this.

Palau (Canada)
Two recently-no-longer-young men wrestle their youthful desires against present responsibilities. A sweet little short film about missed connections, and the guy who got away.


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