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The Falls: Covenant of Grace

I really cant remember when was the last time I saw a trilogy of films focusing on gay theme. In fact, is there any other trilogy on queer theme out there at all? I have been so busy with work these days and haven’t had much time for movies but this was a good change or break from work. The last film in this series conveys a very important message. After focusing on falling in love and then individual journeys, this film focusses on what the ultimate outcome will be for the central characters. Their internal conflict versus the conflict from church and families. The two need to decide what their future would be like.

In part 2 we saw that Chris is now divorced. But RJ and him are still having difficulty  sorting out where their relationship stands and where it’s going in the future, especially as they’re living in different parts of the country. They decide to get together for the weekend in the hope figuring out where they stand and what should they do. RJ has largely rejected the church but Chris is still hopeful that he will find a way to balance church and his heart as a gay man. Untimely death of Chris’ mother forces the two men to meet again along with their fathers, prominent members of the church. Chris’ father initially rejects homosexuality and is not pleased to see RJ but eventually he gives in to their love and extends full support including talking to the church. The two men will finally be together.

The film continues to show us brilliant acting and subtle direction. The mood of the film is real and slow, something which is like the life of mormons and what they go through. RJ and Chris are brilliant as the previous films and I am just surprised why haven’t they done more films. The chemistry between them is electrifying. Even in the scenes where they are just sitting and talking, you see the connection that the 2 men share and this is really important in this scenario since the story expects them to be in love with each other for over 6 years. I give full marks to the director to raise the characters from closeted characters  to a happy, out gay couple ready, willing and able to face the entrenched dogma of their chosen faith. The makers give people hope. Hope based on the positive portrayal of healthy, stable gay married couple ready to live life with no regrets. Having said that, the film was a bit lengthy in my opinion. The whole track of RJ’s friend who has been pining for love for last few years was unnecessary. Maybe it was to show how faithful RJ is to Chris but I don’t think any of that was needed. Also RJ’s girlfriend was the complete odd person out in an otherwise sombre and mellow film.

The film asks us “How can you be a part of something that alienates parents from their children?” The ending of the film gives a nice conclusion to balancing faith and sexuality. A befitting end to a beautiful set of trilogy. (7/10)


luigi43 said…
Regarding "sequels" for gay movie surely remember the " pentalogy"( !!! ) of Eating Out , almost soft porno . Anyway , regarding the subject , the rating ,I agree , is at the top : nice acting , story , direction and even editing .
Golu said…
OMG!! Yes! I totally forgot about Eating Out series. And you are right.. they were the soft porn and total guilty pleasure films.
Sailor Maan said…
Got really disapointed by this one (maybe because I expected too much after the 2 previous ones I loved).
The main reason was the constant whining/sobbing/crying all through the movie. In the prequels it was just dosed the right way to make me feel for the characters. This time it was way too much. Instead of making me feel sorry for them I was more like "ok now what is the problem AGAIN???".
And the other thing I don't get is: what is their actual problem? After everything that happened in ep2, it seems they made it backwards totally. They confess their love for each other but still can't be together, and can't move on and are tortured inside, and blablabla too complicated. And all of sudden Chris proposes, nothing has changed but RJ says yes (crying of course) and all is for the better yay!
Oh and between RJ and Chris, RJ's friend and his ex mission companion, and apparently RJ's father's friend too (or himself?!!), seems everyone is gay in the mormon community yay bis!
The movie still has its very good moments and is nice overall but failed to move me like the 2 previous ones did.
Golu said…
of course this doesn't match the expectations of first 2 series, but then where's the fun if there is no drama.. Most film makers only think the drama can be added by breaking uo cpouple and then finding ways to bring them back together. We need to get creative
Sailor Maan said…
Haven't seen it that way, you're probably wright. It would have been worst if they got them separated for a stupid reason just to make some drama.
It's just that I expected smth so totally different. Like they really were a couple living happily and supporting each other but still having to fight for other problems. Their faith, the church, their families, figuring out how they want to live their gay lives, or any other subject but definitely NOT still fighting in depressed mode to see whether they had to be together or not... My bad though
Golu said…
hey we can all have our individual expectations. Maybe some day some makers will read our ideas and incorporate them ;)

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