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Get Real (UK)

I remembered seeing this movie but had to watch it again for 2 reasons. One of the members in his comments asked me to watch it and second it gives me an opportunity to write my blog on it. Going in with hih expectations, I must say that I wasn't disappointed at all. 

"Get Real" is the story about a 16-year old gay teenager named Steven Carter who has known about himself since he was 11-years old and is perfectly fine with it. Although he is dying to be accepted for who he is and not for who he pretends to be, he is afraid to tell his peers and his parents about his true nature. Only his best friend Linda knows and is worried about Steven, due to his sexual adventures at a gay men's restroom in a park. But one day, he unexpectedly has an encounter with the "straight" high school jock John Dixon who kind of snubs it off. But Dixon can't hold any longer and cries for Carter's help in getting him out of the confusion that he is living with. They both start having an affair. Actually they love each other. Carter definitely does and so does Dixon but its just difficult for Dixon to prove it because he is very scared about anyone finding out and moreover he has a reputation in school about being the hottest and the best guy. Their passionate affair continuos until Carter can't hold back any longer pretending to be someone he is not and also because Dixon can never accept him in public. In school annual function, he comes out openly, apologizes to his parents. The last scene takes my breath away. Now both Carter and Dixon know, they cant be together but they both love each other very very much. Carter says to Dixon 'Be Happy' and just walks away. Simple but effectively beautiful. 

The film can be old but they don't loose charm. For some people even after all these years, coming out is not easy wherever that maybe. This films tells us a story from a very emotional and romantic point of view. Brilliant performances by lead actors. Special mention for the girl playing Carter's friend Linda. She is great. The movie captures the excruciating paranoia of a situation in which there's nowhere the lovers can be alone except in each other's homes on the rare occasions their parents are out. The first kiss of the couple probably will take you back in the memories of your first kiss. Must watch. (8.5/10)


Anonymous said…
Awesome glad you enjoyed this! It really was a great thing to watch!
Unknown said…
If you liked this film, you would love Monster Pies. It's a low budget Australian film, that won quite a few awards when it was released in 2013. You can definitely tell that it is low budget, but the story and acting are superb and really heartfelt. My favourite genre is romance/coming out, so if you like that style too I think this will be right up your alley.
Golu said…
Thanks for letting me know. I will look out for the film.
Our tastes are quite similar actually. I watched this movie for the second time and liked it even more. A must watch.
Golu said…
Intelligemnt minds think alike.. lol
Miisu said…
The one thing that is a sure sign of a film being well executed is how much you remember of it a few years after seeing it. This one is quite memorable, I'd say. I loved the interaction between John and Steven and how safe Steven felt with John, despite of the load of insecurities John had about himself. The first morning-after, when John wakes up alone in Steven's room and shouts to Steven downstairs "when will your parents be back?" and gets the answer "They're back, sitting here with me! Mum said that if you make an honest man out of me, she'll let you choose the curtains!" - that's so genuine and hilarious.

The character of Linda is an excellent addition to the main cast, refreshing in her openness and giving the "be the friend you want to have"-vibe. I liked the scene where she's walking home from the party with Steven and says she's not cuddly or big or well rounded as people would think is "nice" to say to overweight girls like her. Yup, totally agree with her, although I use the "daaah-ling, it's pronounced FAT!"-line myself :D I was so happy when she finally got her driver's license.

The best thing, besides the ending, was Steven's mother. The way she stood up for her son and only needed a few short sentences to make her point clear to his bullying classmates. "Leave him alone or I'll have your balls for earrings" is probably something many bullied children would wish their parents say out loud. So I hope this film gives them a parallel world where their wish comes true.

Lovely to read that you noticed the "only when parents are out" situation. That may seem like once in a blue moon indeed. When we've had some nostalgic conversations about getting through the high school and the 1990s, some of my friends mention it, too. That parents were never away. I had the apartment for myself for quite many times, sometimes I had friends stay over or we made a mess in the kitchen practicing some strange recipes translated from some old German cookbooks, nothing bad really. Except for that one occasion when my friends came over with a VCR recorder to record "Emmanuelle in Venice" since my home was the only parent-free zone that day :D
Golu said…
Beautiful memories.
It has actually been a long Time since I saw the film but still is fresh

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