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Gay Short Films : 70

Fawns (Greece)
A beautiful heartbreaking short that uses the nature & story of deer to explain that when you love someone, sometimes its better to let it go. Imagery here is gay but its true for all love.

Present Perfect (Thailand)
A heart broken gay boy meets a straight guy on a holiday trip and they both get cozy but soon our man leaves the gay boy giving him hopes for him to find true love.

Encuentro (Argentina)
Two strangers in a dreamlike space of words, bodies, and ideas as they explore the true nature of difference, acceptance, and free will.

El amor mola: Cupido in Love (Spain)
Super cute short story that shows anyone can fall in love, even the cupid.

De azi inainte (Romania) [From Now On]
Stefan’s 18th birthday presents are: a driving lesson, a bottle of vodka and an open-minded discussion about women and possibly his homosexuality, which ends with an unexpected surprise.

Touch (Belgium)
Lieven is confused: confused about his relationship and about his sexuality. After a fight with his girlfriend, he goes to his gay best friend Senne for support.

Lives Under The Red Light (Cambodia)
A documentary focusing on life of a ladyboy who work as sex workers in Phnom Penh. It talks about the daily discriminations they face. Sex work places them at risk to gang rape, sex violence, drugs and arrests by police.

Queerability (Laos)
This short documentary explores the intersectional identities and experiences of Lao individuals who identify as LGBTQI and live with disabilities.

Para Kay James (Philippines)
Cedric goes to the wake of his deceased lover, James. While trying to gather the courage to tell James' mother, Carol, about their relationship, both Cedric and Carol journey through their memories with the departed. The film tackles grief and the many forms it takes.

Pink Point (Amsterdam)
We hear the story of the owner of the gay store Pink Point in Amsterdam.

Sodom's Cat (Taiwan)
A young boy attends an orgy by a dating app. He meets four other guys there and together they start a journey of body pleasures. But is the satisfaction and pleasure real or not? Or is it that they will be even lonelier than before?

My Arabian Prince
Fantasy becomes reality when an adult video star invades the dreams of his voyeur.

Invitation (South Korea)
Humans deceive humans and make an effort to meet their needs. When a jobless guy starts peeping through a neighbors home, little does he know that its all a plot to invite him to his home.

This Night (Philippines)
High school friends meet after ages at a reunion and rekindle their old connection, knowing very well that this might be their only night together.

Closeted (USA)
Helped by his best friend, Sebastian; a teenage boy tries to figure out his complicated romantic life. He has to make a decision between a popular girl vs a boy he is attracted to.

Pele Suja Minha Carne (Brazil) [Dirty Skin]
A teen black boy is attracted to his friend and he dares to even kiss him when he thinks that the boy must have the same feelings for him.

Arrangement (South Africa)
A regular hookup between two men becomes more complicated than intended. When both guys realize that this is not just a release but they really dot love their wife/girlfriend anymore.

Playground (Israel)
Two boys meet at a playground at night. There's nothing stupider than disclosing their biggest secret in graffiti on the wall right there. Especially when they can lose everything.

Coming of Age (USA)
In the afterglow of sex, a generation gap opens between two men as they struggle to define trust in the age of open marriage and NSA hookups. This was a very very interesting take of what hook up and love means for today's generation.

Home (Israel)
A couple returns home after the stabbing at the 2015 Jerusalem Pride Parade. One of them decides that they must have sex.


Hedgehog said…
My favorite line in Closeted “my vroom vroom doesn’t beep beep when I see her " I think it’ll be my go to line when my mom asks me about girls.
Golu said…
I know right... That line was hilarious !

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