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Gay Short Films : 58

Mario, Kike y David (Spain) [Mario, Kike & David]
Mario and Kike hook up on a dating app. What initially was never meant to be more than a sex date, turns into monthly encounters and both open to being bisexual but one day Mario disappears after meeting a girl. Few months later Kike meets him on the pride day when he finds that his real name is David.

Intrinsic Moral Evil (Netherlands)
Three dancers play a game about coming of age, losing friendship and exploring bisexuality.

Bridge (Australia)
Dan, a supposedly straight guy confronts his darkest secrets at a lake under the bridge, which is a cruising spot for gays. This short film was a bit confusing and didn't make much sense to me.

Sports (USA)
When Zach brings along his obviously gay roommate, Eduardo, to his basketball pick-up game with his straight best friend.. the outcome of the game takes an unexpected turn when Zach has to confront which team he is really on and ultimately come out to him.

Heavy Weight (UK)
When a talented new arrival begins using the local boxing club, Paris, a skilled fighter, is forced into an unexpected struggle with himself. A film about vulnerability in a hyper-masculine world that doesn’t allow for it.

Gryning (Sweden) [Stockholm Daybreak]
Two swedish boys at sunrise after a wild night in Stockholm. One of them clearly is attracted to the other, so why do they stick together is a question they need to resolve.

Fragments (Canada)
An unhappy lion mascot, a straight talking chick fed up with sexual double standards, a hypochondriac 18 year old gay guy who just got into med school. A love triangle forms in these self-reflexive, humorist fragments filled with direct sex talk and experimentation.

Way Out (China)
A delicate over story between a deaf/mute dancer and a swimmer and how they get close to one another over a few obstacles. Weird !

Sonnet 23 (US)
Overcome by nervous hesitancy and trepidation, the poet cannot declare all his love for his friend. His Sonnets must speak for him.

Time For Love (UK)
Two men hold hands in a public place, but even in 2018, something’s not feeling quite right. This short explores homophobia in modern society. Do the pressures of convention turn us against one another? I loved this one.

Cachitos (Spain)
On a hot summer morning, a group of friends get naked without really knowing what they want to arrive at. A gay couple has secret plans to sleep with their hot friend.

Minnet Av Dig (Sweden) [The Memory of You]
Adam is going to dinner with his wife, when he is disrupted by something from his past. His former lover reminds him of all the good times they had in the past. A story about a love that never was.

Ultra Bleu (USA/South Korea)
Short follows Jim Park for the first 24 hours after a violent break up with his ex-boyfriend and how a chance meeting with a stranger reveals deeper issues he must confront. Ugly truth of so many people around , but still no love and only loneliness

Thailand Boxers (Thailand)
Just a phone made, quirky soft porn on interactions of Thai boxers and how they all shower together. Totally random!

Piscina (Spain) [Swimming Pool]
Jota and Santi are closest friends, looking for swimming pool to beat the summer heat but there is something that's bothering Jota. They go to a scientology center to use a pool but soon Jota's secret will come out.

Raro (Argentina)
Facundo is taken to a brothel by his elder brother and his closest friend on his 18th birthday. But that's the day he must decide what to do with the attraction he feels for his friend.

Just Past Noon on a Tuesday (Brazil)
Two strangers visit the penthouse of a recently deceased lover and the encounter forges a physical and emotional connection.

Roommate (US)
Trevor is a young gay teen who is tormented by his classmates. Behind closed doors; things get sexual with Ricky, his roommate in boarding school. However, in front of his friends Ricky is a completely different person.

Lo que quiero de ti (Spain) [What I Want From You]
Obsession among 2 people can reach even the most unsuspected situations. Dario follows Victor for days before talking to him and getting to know him. The two youngsters will start a romance, but there is a problem. Victor is not any guy, but hides a terrible secret, costing Dario his life.

Keeping Love A Secret (US)
With help with his boyfriend, Morris finds the courage to come as gay to his mother and also reveal he dark secret of his brother molesting hi though childhood. 


Unknown said…
Hi. You got an impressive gay-related movie list here, kudos for that.
Maybe you could help me remember a movie I watched around 2010, so it's not that old.
The only scene I remember is a respectable older man sitting in a front row of a classical music concert, looking at a smartly dressed younger teenager a couple seats to the left from him. In the next scene, the teenager is sitting in the man's apartment in front of an impressive hi-end/hi-fi stereo set, listening to classical music, while the older man fixes some drink.
I don't think the movie is gay related per se, as I normally don't watch those movies, perhaps just a sub-plot.
Does anything of this ring a bell? Thanks.
Golu said…
Sorry doesn't really ring a bell :(

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