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Zorro: The Gay Blade

This is again one of those film which would be wrong to call as a gay theme film, but give the tile of the film around the character, I think its reason enough to put a review about the film here. Having said that, I am gonna keep this review quite short because not much happens in the film according to me and it really doesn’t warrant a long write-up.

Set in a time long long ago, When Don Diego, alongwith his mute servant Paco, returns to Los Angeles, he finds that his childhood friend Esteban has become the captain of the guard. He finds out that his father was killed a riding accident. At his election speech, Esteban is confronted by Charlotte who tries to educate people of the atrocities that Esteban and his people will do on the common man.Despite their political difference Diego is smitten by her. While home, Diego receives his inheritance from his father which is meant for either of his two sons: Zorro’s black mask, cape, hat, sword and a letter saying that he needs to continue the Zorro legacy. Diego thinks he has found his future but when he returns injured after a masked ball evening trying to fight Esteban, he is not sure of he has what it takes to be Zorro. Esteban suspects if Diego is Zorro but has no proof. Esteban’s terror and taxation continues to rise and common people wait for Zorro to help. Fate intervenes, when Diego’s, brother, Bunny, shows up. He is gay, foppish, British educated and a Royal Navy officer. When Diego tell him the story, Bunny assumes the guise of Zorro, using a whip instead of a sword, while wearing flamboyant Zorro attire in a variety of coordinated colors. He always escape getting caught, so Esteban hatches a plan, and arrests Charlotte. Diego surrenders as Zorro to save her. Just in time, Bunny returns as Zorro and incites poor peasants and common man to a rebellion against Esteban.

This movie is, of course, intended as a comedy, and it has some funny moments, but I am not sure if that was consistent throughout. I can imagine enjoying the film when it came out in early 80’s but seeing it at this age, seemed too force. Even the gags, very limited, do not hold your attention for too long. I do appreciate the Spanish and British accents but thats that. A funnier comedy might have been made out of a more genuinely satirical examination of the Zorro character. Instead, this one provides Zorro with a gay brother who's a screamingly limp-wristed stereotype, and then goes for jokes that are disappointingly predictable.

Not much gay theme here beyond this point to warrant a detailed review here. Watch it at your own whims but if you go in the film expecting more around ‘gay stuff’; there is not much. (2.5/10)


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