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Rökkur (Icelandic) [Rift]

What was this film? This was my reaction after I finished watching the film. One of my most regular visitors on my blog, Luigi, wanted me to check this film out and post my views here. But I am sorry my friend, I may not be very kind to this film overall. A visually striking and cinematographically one of the most beautiful films that I have seen in recent times, the film failed big time on my expectations. There are very few thrillers where the central character happens to be gay and anytime something new comes up, I really look forward to it. The good thing is that the sexual identity of the central characters is not the main issue here. They could as well have been any estranged straight couple.

Gunnar has broken up with Einar and has moved on with another guy. But Einar cannot quite seem to let go. One night, Gunnar receives a late night call from Einar that worries him and he leaves immediately to visit him to a remote outpost. This is Einar’s family home where the couple has also shared some history in the past. Not much happens for one hour besides the fact that gradually they both feel that there may be someone else in this seemingly lonely region. But neither can get their head around. We hear about Einar’s childhood friend who is probably dead. Gunnar shares his first time experience of being raped by 2 older men. But the constant presence of red jeep, red jacket, dark figure keeps them haunted (but not in a gory way). The mystery of who is stalking the two men is never definitively resolved, but the ending leads to Einar’s dead body that Gunnar finds in the rift and runs for his life.

I do appreciate the films sometimes that leave ambiguous endings for the viewers to have their own opinion of what may have happened. But this film leaves so many question unanswered that it doesn’t make sense. Firstly, when Gunnar shows up overnight to make sure Einar is ok, then why does he stay back day after day when clearly the two men haven’t sorted their issues out. The day and night merge into each other so quickly but pretty much nothing happening that makes you feel as if there is just a 10 hour day between the guys. The two characters spend an ambiguous amount of time crying and moping and dilly-dallying about random things. Only when Gunnar shares the experience of his rape, does something meaningful happen. And that happens after full one hour of the film. Till then all you can do is enjoy the most gorgeous landscape and natural beauty that is very charmingly captured in the film. It is stunning. Then we really don’t find who is mysterious stalker/ghost is? Is that grindr stalker or an old man in nearby village or just some ghost that they don’t. When both of them are a bit scared of this mystery around them, why would they go around exploring uninhabited homes and abandoned areas for no reason. The movie tries to be a psychological horrors but it really tested my patience. I bet that there are people who would think that this is the most poetic script written and directed but its not my cup of tea. And as I write this, I am reminded of films like ‘Melancholia’ and ‘Under the Skin’ where critics all over the world were going gaga over how amazing these films were, and my reaction was wtf!! What am I missing!! And sadly this film falls in the same category for me. I do appreciate slow films and I loved 'God's Own Country' but this ??Performance wise, Einar does a splendid job and portrays the character's confusion very well but for some reason I felt Gunnar was the weak link.

The gorgeous Icelandic backdrop, sprawling landscapes, a weak ambiguous story, psychological horror, abandoned structures and a countless questions unanswered; pretty much summaries the film. The first hour of the film needs to be drastically trimmed. You will need patience for this film. Lot of it. (3.5/10)


luigi43 said…
How to say "thank You " ? I thought I was just a shallow man , not able to understand a nice touristic film about Iceland !
Was there even a plot? I didn't noticed : looked like a puzzle felt down from table.
Golu said…
phew!! so you also went through the same thoughts as me? I was under the impression that you liked the film and wanted me to watch it and therefore, I was feeling bad that I didn't like the film at all, which you thought was good.
luigi43 said…
See we love the same cups of tea . We have the same tastes on movie pictures. And " Rokkur" was not a nice one.
Golu said…
I agree. It was a bit too artistic for my tastes

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