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Gay Short Films : 55

Forever Love (Web Series) (Vietnam)
The plot involves two boys, one on a break from Saigon, meeting. Both have secrets that they don't tell the other. 4 episodes each of about 10 minutes. The story and screenplay is very hard to follow, with abrupt changes in the character's attitudes making it difficult to understand. (3.5/10)

Love, Death, and Cars (USA)
In Los Angeles, Max and Haley go to a reading and book signing of Kyle, a friend of Max's from New York. Through flashbacks and conversations, we learn that they were more than casual friends, and Kyle's reappearance throws Haley and Max's relationship into question. Central to the two men's history was a Grand Canyon trip some years before. Max may need to travel that road again with renewed honesty if he's to sort out his life's conflicts and contradictions and move on with honesty.

Ready? OK! (USA)
Finding yourself and remaining true to who you are.
A comedic coming-of-age story about an 11-year-old boy who discovers a passion for cheerleading - as he learns that it's "OK to be yourself". I thought this film was fantastic and the bond that the mother shared with her son was priceless.

Connected (USA)
Two lonesome people who found each other via a chance encounter experience happiness for a brief moment in their lives until circumstances out of their control rip them apart.

4° [Four Degrees] (USA)
After a man loses his daughter in a swimming accident, he goes into depression. Before he realizes he is also accused of murdering a family of 3. He is now accused of a crime he did not commit. Is he innocent or guilty? What’s the secret between our man and the head of the other family? It's a matter of degrees.

Coffee (USA)
Two friends investigate a rumour that their best friend's ex is gay. A funny, quirky, harmless fun short film.

Chased (USA)
After leaving practice, friends Seth and Charlie, accidentally offend some local thugs. Trying to run for their life as the chase continues, adrenalin takes over and they end up having sex. Ultimately, Seth begins to struggle with his intensifying feelings for Charlie. Eventually, risking the friendship, Seth finds out that the feeling was always mutual.

Midnight (US)
A gay couple decide to experiment with open relationship. Can their relationship survive, when one starts to like it a lot more than the other?

Tom in America (USA)
On their 50th anniversary, Michael and Betty share that the secret to their happy marriage is that they have no secrets, but nothing could be further from the truth. After Michael finds a provocative doll in trash, hidden feelings come back and their world is turned upside down. They are forced to face difficult questions about their relationship, and their future.

Kangourou  (Belgium)
Strangers meet on a train and fantasies take over. Meh!

Ruptures (France)
Gabriel is filming a documentary about break-ups. While filming he meets his ex-boyfriend Andre after 10 years in Paris. They both need a closure so Gabriel then ends up inviting André to take part in the documentary.

Body Of Angels (France)
Remi throws himself on the ground, listens to birds and falls asleep in hedges. Gabriel opens his stomach to the tip of a knife. They meet. bad :(

Apollon (France)
A teenager is hung up by the social ideals of masculinity. He fantasizes about having the perfect body with big beefy muscles and an even bigger banana.

Thermopylae (USA)
Classics teacher Nathan succumbs to the innocent seduction of one of his students, Andrew. When he sees Andrew and his father outside of the Principal’s office the following morning, Nathan is overwhelmed with guilt, worry and fear for the consequences.

Herculanum (France)
Two guys meet for a hook up using a dating app. What would have been just one-off thing leads to two more encounters over a period of next few months, each of different kind. Is this the beginning of romance?

En Retour (France) [In Return]
Jean-Marc meets a younger man, Simon, for dinner. After a promising start, the evening plunges into extreme drama, when Simon attacks to extract money. Tables soon turn.

If We Took a Holiday (USA)
This is the story of a struggling actress who agrees to impersonate Madonna all day long as a birthday present for her recently dumped gay best friend. Shenanigans and life lessons ensue but things don't go as planned. The setup takes digs at Madonna’s behavior, while showing a few pertinent points about today's gay world.


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