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Call Me By Your name (English / Italian)

Wow! That last shot! Now that was something. One thing, for sure, that will stay with you for a long long time, is the last shot of our lead just sitting staring at the fireplace, while end credits roll out and you see the changing emotions in his eyes. I was mesmerized by it and thats why I had to start my review by that particular scene. In a way, the essence of love, heart break, empathy and moving-on with life is all bundled up in that one single shot. Bravo! So, after weeks of wanting to see the film, it finally happened over the weekend on the big screen and was I glad or what to see it in cinemas. The experience was so much better. This movie needs patience, lots of it. Just like how you would spend your vacation in 80’s doing nothing. So be prepared for lot of nothing but a whole lot of everything at the same time.

The year is 1983, where Elio, a smart young 17 year old is enjoying his summer. His parents are international academics, spending summers at a villa in Northern Italy that Elio’s mother inherited. This makes Elio quite intellectual and confident beyond his years and curious at the same time. Enter, Oliver, a 20-something grad student staying at Elio’s family’s house while he works with Elio’s father. Though Elio has group of friends and he gets drawn to the girls but he hasn’t felt the inexplicable attraction to anyone else like he does for Oliver. It is not clear how they feel about each other. They flirt, tease, mock but are at same wavelength when talking about different issues. The film takes its sweet time by the time mutual love and attraction is established in the film and the 2 men are all over each other. Just before Oliver is supposed to head back to America, they go for a 2 day vacation and this is when the romance takes its peak. You are as heartbroken as Elio, when Oliver finally boards the train and he is left with nothing. He comes back home and tries to move on with life. Thankfully Elio’s father understands his son and asks him to always cherish the beautiful love that he had with Oliver and not let anyone tell him right vs wrong. Months pass and Oliver calls Elio one day to give him news about his wedding. Yes, things and people move on even when their heart wants something completely different and thats when the last shot of Elio staring at the fireplace stirs up every emotion in your heart.

Yes the film is very very slow in the first hour, but then this is a film about coming of age, about the secrets of youth, the magic of summer, the beauty of Italy. It needs that patience so you connect with not just the characters but everything else around. It gives a vibrancy of an old postcard, of a treasured memory, of your childhood days of no technology. Oliver has his aura of mystery around him, especially when he suddenly leaves a conversation with ‘Later’, which Elio describes as being arrogant. There is sensuality and playfulness in their interactions. The two have amazing chemistry right from the very beginning, when they bike to go to the town, walking around, taking a dip in the pool, feeling each other and constantly worry about what the other person is thinking. And when finally, after almost one hour in the film, when the true feelings are revealed, it feels real and authentic. The scene is powerful and emotional. They are both into each other but since they have to keep this a secret from Elio’s parents, the playfulness at night makes it a fun to watch. They have no inhibitions and their love is something they think no one will understand. Watching the gentle, quiet and intense feelings that ripple between between Elio and Oliver reminded me so much of my teenage days and was getting goose flesh. There are no graphic sex scenes but at the same time the love scenes are heartbreaking and intensely erotic all at once. No one will forget the peach scene. The romance takes its peak. Oliver, though more confident and experienced  is wiling to let go and be in moment for Elio, whereas Elio is just enjoying every single moment because he is young, he knows this is not going to last long. And when he calls his mother asking her to pick him up from station, I felt so sorry.. so so sorry. There is nothing worse than yearning for love at such a tender age. We know its not going to end well, everyone does, but that piece of advice from Elio’s father is exactly what the young heart needed. A reaffirmation of what he did was right, what he felt was pure and to always cherish that summer. And then that last scene! overtime I think of it, I cant even bring to imagine how Elio pulled it off. Thats reason enough for him to get nominated for Oscars.

A very emotional, sensual, romantic and delicate film and story. Needless to say that this is highly recommended. Now I need to get my hands on the book and read that as well. I have a feeling I am going to like it. (9/10)


Unknown said…
I just saw the film today, and downloaded the book right afterwards to read this weekend.
luigi43 said…
Very nice movie . As usual Italian conductors are not familiar with an happy ending for a gay themed story. But , apart personal tastes , a worth seeing film and very true to the spirit of the novel .
Golu said…
Doug and Luigi: I really myself cant wait to read the book. I still get goosebumps when I think about that last shot
lina said…
Oh god ! why it cannot end well, I know it's summer love but come on ! If they really want it (and i know they do) they would have find a way
Yeah yeah it's because it takes place in Italy's 19 century and otherwise it cannot be realistic since everything went so well for them, no violence no reject no sickness or dying. Something had to be bad in this (too ?) perfect setting. For me Oliver is the one holding on, because is really aware and worried about society judgement. Elhio live more in a bubble of acceptation and tolerance. Oh gosh this movie give me the wish to become trilingual. And this peach scene the epitome of sensuality and erotism. Love dad's speech too
I will also give a 9 since the ending didn't feel as real as the rest of the movie, Oliver just giving up like this doesn't convince me. C'mon humankind tend to fight especially for what they love.
Golu said…
So I just finished reading the book and found it interesting how much close to the book the film was. Even the dialogues were the same. I am glad the film ended at the point it did, because the book in fact flash forwards to 15-20 years later as well. I still thikn this is a brilliantly directed film.
lina said…
And what happend after the 20 years ?
There is a theory about the enorme narcism of this love : Oliver and Elhio are the same, educated guy higher than the general "mass" even the intellectual one because, them, they know how to live life (socialize not stuck into their book)at least in the movie. They fall in love with each other they fall in love with themselves, they shag themselve. They have such a high esteem of themselves that they cannot fall this hard for someone totally different. I find this theory quite dark and harsh but at the same time i cannot get it out my head.
Golu said…
Thankfully thats not what happens in the book. The guys move on and have a chance encounter after all these years where they relive some memories of the past and have clearly moved on. The book just focusses on Elio never forgets Oliver and always thought that he was just a fling for Oliver but in his own small ways, Oliver has also kept small memories of Elio with him, close to him, always.
Sailor Maan said…
So happy I finally got to see that movie!! (it was just released in France last wednesday) And I agree with you Golu, that last scene was so memorable... Actually, it left everyone speechless in the cinema. Never seen such a complete silence after a screening! I didn't know quite what to think for the first half of the movie as I didn't really understand what type of relation was going on. Dialogs weren't always clear to me, like when Oliver tells Elio to stop being the perfect host, it seemed rude and I didn't get where it came from. Is the book more clear on protagonists feelings? However the second part was just perfect. I expected just a basic summer crush and it felt a lot more than that. Can't wait to see it again.
Golu said…
I totally understand your confusion, because I felt something similar. And thats why you have to read the book. The book talks in detail each and every emotion and action that the two of them take and do and what's the purpose behind it.
Sailor Maan said…
The writer just announced a sequel to its book, I'm so excited!
Golu said…
Oh my god!! Thats an awesome news
And now they announced a sequel to the movie !
Golu said…
I hope its not based on the sequel book "Find Me" that the author came out with. I found that a very tedious and boring read.

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