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Quand On A 17 Ans (French) [Being 17]

“Another coming-0f-age sexuality film”; this is the first thought you have when you see the title and ponder over what different can this film offer. But it does offer a lot more. Yes, the primary focus is on the two teenagers who are confused about everything and have feelings of fear and not knowing whats what! Combined this with the sheer beauty of the French alps, this film makes it for a spectacular watch.

Damien and Thomas are the 2 protagonists, turning 17 and both a bit unpopular in school. Thomas is a quiet kid and not very good with studies whereas Damien is a smart intelligent guy and on one such occasion Thomas trips him and thats when fights between the two of them start. But Damien is too tough to just accept the bullying and he fights back. Damien’s father is a soldier and mother is a doctor. Thomas is adopted and lives with his parents in the mountains. When his mother gets ill, Damien’s mother treats her during which she also has to spend some time in the hospital. She then invites Thomas to come stay with them so that his school doesn’t get affected. She also does this party because she is aware of the tension between the two and that maybe they can be friends. Battings have started to change. The boys, though continue to fight, you can feel something more is happening. And one such day, Damien very honestly feels Tom that he is attracted to him. Tom’s reactions are priceless and he is as confused as Damien. I mean he is a teenager. Since Thomas doesn’t know better, he hits Damien and in the process ends up breaking his arm. Damien’s mother cant take it anymore and send Thomas back to his home. In a twist of events, Damien’s other dies in the war and this brings the 2 boys closer yet again. Thomas becomes the emotional support for both Damien and his mother and this is the time when the two boys also realise how much they love each other, Although Damien is more sure than Thomas. Love losses and Damien tells about this to his mother who is supportive and happy for her son and totally accepts the relationship. What is to be seen is where this relationship will go forward.

Although the film starts slow with a few repeated scenes, it is still really pretty and establishes the base context for us on whats going on between the 2 boys. The eruption of confused feelings between Damien and Tom is portrayed with great sensitivity and a brutal reality. I mean when the boys fight and hit each other, you can totally imagine todays’ teenagers doing the same. It is interesting how the sexual tension finds an outlet in spontaneous outbursts of violence.Both of the boys are amazing in there acting. Damien, the geeky awkward guy but who wants to learn to defend himself, realises his love for Tom but is not sure whats happening to him and where this will all lead. And then we have Tom, who is a bit confused with his mother’s pregnancy, what that would mean to him, his dreams and now what Damien is doing to him. The director shows us the feelings of loneliness, fear, longing and magnetic attraction in moments so tender and private you almost feel like an intruder. But at the same tim, this is the only way to feel attached and empathise with the characters. I loved the last scene when Tom comes to Damien’s home when his mother goes in labour and asks Damien to stay by his side. We shouldn’t forget Damien’s mother’s character, who is critical and central to the film. She is real, warm, intelligent and relatable. Her husband’s death is a big game changer in all their lives. I know I have mentioned before as well, but the setting of the film through season right from winter through summer adds another interesting element. The calm and reasonable pace of the film helps the audience to absorb everything happening around them.

The movie is alive, real and full of love that started with violence. It at least made me wanna be 17 again. (7.5/10)


Unknown said…
As usual with Téchiné a sensitive film, not lapsing into mawkishness. Remember Les Roseaux Sauvages? By the way it's not the French Alps, but the French Pyrenees (Bagnères de Bigorre)
Golu said…
Yeah that was another beautiful film. Btw: Thanks for correcting me. I appreciate :)
lina said…
I SOOOO much love this movie
Like you say, the strongest part was how we can feel the sexual tension when they fighting. Thomas is just so lost that he can't find an other answer to his emerging feelings. Damian could probably take the new better than Tom because of his education. I like the way that Damien didn't let himself get bullied and how he keeps searching for tom's love even after the multiple rejections and also how he directly refuses the shame. To me he is the strongest character (after his mother of course ;)). Let's not forget about how hot Tom !!
I would give an 8.5/10 because some time it's a little bit long, especially at the beginning (even if at the end i still want more ;)) and i also agree with u, some scenes are repeated. And to me, it miss of some tenderness scenes. Tom still seems a little cold at the end for a teenager who find his first love.
Thank u Golu for your work
Golu said…
Thank you so much for your kind words and also liking the film. We need more of us to speak for the film
Unknown said…
where do you watch these films with english subtitles cause im always searching and can never find any
Golu said…
you should be able to find these films on various online channels. Usually ilms are available with subtitles. If not, i google and find them on opensubtitles or something like that
I personally use g a y - t o r r e n t s . n e t

JackMason said…
Damien. I mean he is a teenager
Golu said…
Yes he is. Not sure what is it that you are trying to say .

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