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Gay Short Films : 20

This is another review collection of short movies. This time they are all under 10 minutes, and hence being reviewed all together.

Flamingo pride (Germany)

This animation is intellectually and socially negligent, yet insidiously shrouded in bright colors and some sort of ham-handed sense of humor. When the only straight flamingo tries to get out of the herd of gay flamingos, what does he have to go through !! Quiet decent IMO

Desanimado (Spain)

A cartoon character goes to therapy because he feels rejected in a ‘live-action’ world what dislikes those who are different. The protagonist reflects on the nature of prejudice and has to decide to either adapt to the norm or dare live as he is. A good way to see would be replace cartoon with gay and similar theories apply. It was a little boring for me because there was non stop talking for like 5-6 minutes, which started giving me a headache.

Mi amigo Jaime (Spain)

The movie tells the story of Dani, a young boy who shares a close friendship with his friend Jaime. Their relationship changes when Dani realizes he feels something more to his friend and ends up kissing him. Initially repulsed, Jaime comes around when he invites Dani to meet at the pier , hugs him and gives him a kiss on cheek. Things will be good now. Brilliant short.

Ecce Homo (Behold The Man)
The film interweaves images form Jean Genet's masterpiece, Un Chant d'Amour with images from gay male sex films. It forces the viewer to question the point of view in looking at "pornographic" images. It asks whether the taboo is against gay sex or against seeing gay sex. The style of film making and presentation is definitely not my cup of tea.

Last Address (USA)

The list of New York artists who died of AIDS over the last 30 years is countless, and the loss immeasurable. This film uses images of the exteriors of the houses, apartment buildings, and lofts where these and others were living at the time of their deaths to mark the disappearance of a generation. Haunting yet not very interesting, despite me being a NYker.

Gay Baby (USA)

An expectant couple learns their unborn son is gay. The father is disappointed that he will never be able to bond with his son over sports. A young gay store clerk changes the father’s reaction from disappointment to excitement. Things take a more positive turn when the father realizes that as gay as the clerk is, he is a super star in sports. Excellent !!

The Attendant
A middle-aged black attendant walks around the gallery in which he works. The attendant searches bag of young white gay man and the 2 men become aware of a mutual sexual attraction. At close of business, the attendant shuts the museum doors and sees the paintings come to life. The scenes now depicted show images of domination and homosexual desire. A little too ambiguous for me, constantly shifting between reality and the attendant's imagination.

Solipsist (USA)

It's not really a gay short. Its not interesting either but it is visually captivating. It probably used up a lot of money too. An experimental fantasy short film about otherworldly beings whose minds and bodies converge into one entity. Filled with elaborate costumes, stunning visual effects, and underwater puppets, the film is a non-narrative purely visual/audio experience designed to transport viewers through a hypnotic, dream-like experience.

Glacier (USA)
A visual essay on the LGBT history since the times. Packing stunning visuals form army, politics, movies, everyday life; including color and B&W and a very haunting melody backing all this, we younger generation should feel very proud and lucky for where we are today. Pretty darn good!

Bakersfield, Earth (USA)

A Guy who wears a dress tries to join an anti-evolution protest group of moms who home school kids. When the group starts getting a little uncomfortable because he believes his alien race created humans, they ask him to tell his theory (which is totally absurd). An interesting mix of comedy, laughs and sic-fi. Good acting and production value. Total time pass.

An average rating of again 5 for all these short films. (5/10)


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