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Gay Short Films : 17

The Armoire (Canada)
Adolescents Aaron and Tony are playing a game of hide and seek in Aaron’s house, Tony now the hider and Aaron the seeker. When Aaron can’t find Tony, he gives up. Tony has apparently gone missing, which brings the authorities and news media in on the case. Ultimately Aaron is placed under hypnosis to see if he remembers anything significant about that day leading up to the game of hide and seek. As Aaron remembers backward from that game, he reminisces about an earlier incident in the armoire in his bedroom which may have some sexual connotation between the 2 boys. He very smartly also knows not to tell the hypnotist of what happened. Another brilliant idea and treatment. Although, I wish there was a proper culmination to the story and a little more details on the bonding that the two boys shared. (6/10)

La dérade (France)
Oh My God!! Such a beautiful and wonderful and heart touching story. Simon and his sailor boyfriend Francois are sitting on the beach completely devoted to each other. They remember the moments of happiness and togetherness. They recount the times when they met, when Francois met Simon's mom etc. It turns out that Simon has a heart condition and every time Francois goes out for his job , he is always worried. Once while Francois is on such a trip, the hospital gets in touch with Simon that they have found the perfect heart for him for transplant. Little does Simon know that the heart is of Francois who never made to his ship and died in an accident. And now its just his shadow that Simon will ever spend his time with. Brilliant !! I solo wish that the makers of this short will come up with  a full length feature film around this with same actors. Brilliant acting and direction. (9/10)

Skallamann (Norway) [Baldguy]
A story about a young man's quest for love and acceptance. Directed in a lively musical fashion, the story is about this young boy who is coming out to his parents that he is in love with a fat and old bald man. Of course, it creates a scandal in town that why would a young guy want to love a bald man but when they all see the guy, they all approve it.  This is a film about forbidden and boundless love and the risk of losing everything when your choice is head on with the morally accepted. Its probably the best short film ever made that shows us that masterpieces can be accommodated in 12 minutes of stunning details, huge efforts and lovely storytelling. I absolutely loved the film, the performances, concepts and even the music, which even though I don't understand, was absolutely fantastic. I am so gonna recommend this short film to everyone. Its funny, its touching, and above all its entertaining. (9/10)

Saddest Boy In The World (Canada)
Timothy Higgins, the saddest boy in the world, prepares to hang himself at his ninth birthday party. We are not very sure on the reasons as to why the boy is sad but nothing about his life excites him including his mother, sister or friends. The short focusses on many reasons that Timothy remembers that make his take this extreme step of thinking of suicide. The performance of the lead child artist is excellent and so is director's point of view for the entire film. It is interesting in a odd sort of comedy way. (6/10)

One Hundred And Eleven (USA)
I am not very sure of the exact reason of the title of the film. I thought hard but still dunno. The story is about 2 asian guys and how their interaction. Jacob meets Adam through common friends and they immediately strike a chord. But Jacob feels that Adam is not spending enough time together and they decide to breakup. Jacob realizes his mistake and asks Adam to be back together. Adam agrees to try but can't promise. It turns out Adam has completely lost his feelings for Jacob. Jacob tries his best but ultimately gives up. Six months later, they both meet again. Jacob has a boyfriend now and Adam is in school. They finally patch up and end things on a good note. Decent movie and acting and direction as well. It would have been better if better explanations were given for the behavior of both the boys. (6/10)

The Young Prime Minister (Canada)
Luke is bright, politically aware boy who wants to grow up to be Prime Minister. He lives with his mom Rita and they share a close bond. When Rita takes Luke out shopping to buy a new pair of shoes, she agrees reluctantly to buy him a pair of pink runner shoes. She is afraid of the reaction of all the other children at school to the color. Will Luke’s classmates call him a sissy like Rita fears, and even if they do, does it matter? Brilliant thought IMO, and a superb idea for a short story. It's a short sweet and interesting story. Very well directed and acted. (7/10)


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