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Boys On Film 6: Pacific Rim

Drowning (Australia)
Things are changing for Mik. His world has been turned upside down by the sudden death of his big brother forcing him to redefine his place in his family and the world. The one solid thing in Mik s life is his best friend Dan. But Dan has a new girlfriend. BUt dan also will go to any length to be there for Mik because he knows Mik is gullible and all he has is Dan.

Franswa Sharl (Australia)
On a family holiday to Fiji, twelve year old Greg s creative pursuits fail to amuse his father. Setting out to win back his admiration, he enters himself into a competition for a beauty pageant and wins. Apparently based on a true story, this film for a change has a happy ending.

Tanjong Rhu (Singapore)
A former military officer makes a film about a man he encountered in Tanjong Rhu, a secluded cruising ground. He narrates his experiences of how he was caught and put in jail and publicly ridiculed in the media. Again, inspired from a real incident that happened in 1993 in SIngapore.

Teddy (New Zealand)
An earnest Londoner attempts to rekindle an old relationship while on holiday in New Zealand, but a faded old teddy bear from the past ultimately decides his fate. I had seen this one before and it was just ok.

LOVE, 100°C (South Korea)
A hearing-impaired boy, Min-so is gay, and he likes his classmate, Ji-seok. One day, Min-so impulsively has sex with a man who works in a public bath, an experience that lends him a new-found confidence, but at a heavy price.

My Last Ten Hours With You (Australia)
At 6am Jeremy and Mark will go their separate ways. Their last ten hours together over one hot night will be punctuated with friends, fights and frustrations as they wait it out, each dealing with the loss of love in their own way.

Ron the Zookeeper (Australia)
With only one male grey panda left in the entire world, Ron the zookeeper is sent in to get a sperm sample, no matter what. An animation gay short, it was weirdest in this entire selection.

Ajumma! Are You Krazy??? (Hawaii, USA)
Fuelled by their schoolgirl hormones, three Ajummas , aka Korean soap fanatics - the lovable Judy, Susan the gruff-tough one, and Amy the sassy tart - go on a hilarious journey to try and meet Korean superstar Michael Park by stealing his itinerary, breaking into his hotel room, and sneaking on to his music video set. However, they didn't factor in the competition! Hilarious!!

The stories in my opinion had nothing new to offer in this series, although the last story Ajumma made up for everything. This story was hilarious. Must watch. WIsh I could say the same about the rest. (5.5/10)


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